Russian Basic Research Foundation (N 99-07-90326)
"World Online Data Center"
Russian Basic Research Foundation (N 00-07-90100)
"Network geoinformation systems for presentation and analysis
of spatio-temporal information referring to Earth sciences and Ķuman dimension"
Project leader is Dr. V.Gitis
Ministry of science and technology of Russia
"Spatio-temporal data mining and prognosis of public and environmental
phenomena and processes"
Project leader is Dr. V.Gitis
- INCO-COPERNICUS Programme (IC 15 CT97 0200)
"Assessment of Seismic Potential in European Large Earthquake Areas (ASPELEA)"
Leader of Russian part of the Project is V.Gitis
- IST Programme (EU IST - 10536 SPIN!)
"Spatial Mining for Data of Public Interest"
Leader of Russian part of the Project is V.Gitis