Team |
Team has been working in the field of geoinformation technology more than 20 years. Members of the team have fundamental knowledge and experience both in modern information technology and in seismology.
Team has got original results on pattern recognition and artificial intelligence. Theory of feature extraction in multiclass pattern recognition problem, decision making methods and methods of inference of regression equation by the data contained interval and score expert evaluations has been developed. A part of these results got an award from Hewlett Packard in Competition of Works on Pattern Recognition in 1992.
Team developed several original geinformation technologies for natural hazard assessment and environmental zonation. Two of them are:
Advantage of information technology for developing of the Mmax map of expected earthquakes in comparison with alternative approaches consists in possibility of integration of all available information on the problem: all types of geodata, knowledge and hypotheses of several experts. The technology is supported by geoinformation system named Geo 2.5. System Geo 2.5 was used for developing the maps of Mmax of expected earthquakes, for seismic hazard assessment of atomic power station sites, for mineral, oil and gas exploration and for complex environmental zonation.
Advantage of information technology for detection of earthquake precursors in comparison with another approaches consists of supplementation of time series analyses procedures by the analytical procedures for spatial and temporary processes. For this aim geotectonic and seismological monitoring data are transformed in energetic, geometric and frequency features presented on 3D rasters with two spatial and one temporary coordinates. The technology is supported by the system named GeoTime. The system was successfully implemented for detection of earthquake precursors.
The basic direction of the team activity nowadays is devoted to developing intelligent network geoinformation technologies and systems. This direction is most urgent due to with high pace of creating the information society.