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Petrology/Geochemistry related links

  • Literature
  • Petrologic software
  • Rocks and Processes
  • Educational courses
  • Investigation Methods
  • Geological Data
  • Institutes List of forein societies, institutes and laboratories which related to petrology
  • minerals Rock forming minerals
  • people Petrologists
  • inclusions Fluid, melt and solid inclusions in minerals


    CAGEO List of Issues Computers & Geosciences is a journal devoted to all aspects of computing in the geosciences. (Full text)
    Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences One of the most respected Earth science publications in the world, the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, which publishes manuscripts in English and French, is recognized for its wide-ranging coverage of research findings in geophysics, paleontology, structural geology, tectonics, mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, stratigraphy, glacial geology, and related Earth science topics, and its special issues, which concentrate on a particular segment of the Earth science field published in it.
    Canadian Mineralogist One of the principal functions of the Mineralogical Association of Canada is the publication of the scientific journal, The Canadian Mineralogist, six times per year. This Journal provides a forum for scientists, both national and international, to publish in English or French, the results of their research in the fields of mineralogy, crystallography, petrology, geochemistry and mineral deposits.
    Chemical Geology
    European Journal of Mineralogy The European Journal of Mineralogy (EJM) was founded in 1988 to reach a large audience on an international scale and also for achieving closer cooperation of European countries in the publication of scientific papers.
    FTPYRS: GSA Data Repository, year selector View contents and abstracts for GSA BULLETIN , GEOLOGY or GSA TODAY! Electronic copies of entries from 1992 are downloadable from the FTP site. Although these files are in Adobe Acrobat format, each carries the "bin" filename-extension (ex: 9201.bin)* which you must change to the Acrobat "pdf" filename extension (ex: 9201.pdf) before viewing in an Acrobat reader. Usually, you can change this extension in the "save as" dialog box you get when you click to download an entry.
    Fluid flow in metamorphic environments U.S. National Report to IUGG, 1991-1994, Rev. Geophys. Vol. 33 Suppl., © 1995 American Geophysical Union.
    GeoLogic, Terra NOVA Full articles available.
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Journal of The Geochemical Society and The Meteoritical Society
    J Metamorphic Geology The Journal of Metamorphic Geology is a bi-monthly international English-language journal for publication of high-quality, original research and review articles covering the entire scale of metamorphic investigation. This includes the theoretical and experimental study of metamorphic reactions, the geochemistry of metamorphic rocks (including isotope geochemistry and fluid inclusion studies), microstructural studies of metamorphic rocks, deformation in relation to metamorphism, regional studies of metamorphic terranes (including geochemistry and geophysics), the environment of formation of metamorphic rocks and economic aspects of metamorphic terranes, as well modelling of any of the above aspects.
    J. Metamorphic Geology UK site mirror. he Journal of Metamorphic Geology is a bi-monthly international English-language journal for publication of high-quality, original research and review articles covering the entire scale of metamorphic investigation. This includes the theoretical and experimental study of metamorphic reactions, the geochemistry of metamorphic rocks (including isotope geochemistry and fluid inclusion studies), microstructural studies of metamorphic rocks, deformation in relation to metamorphism, regional studies of metamorphic terranes (including geochemistry and geophysics), the environment of formation of metamorphic rocks and economic aspects of metamorphic terranes, as well modelling of any of the above aspects.
    Journal of Geochemical Exploration The official journal of the Association of Exploration Geochemists
    Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth The purpose of this Home Page is to provide ready access to important information on JGR - Solid Earth for both authors and readers. The journal, published monthly by the American Geophysical Union, contains timely research papers on the physics and chemistry of the solid earth and the liquid core of the earth. It focuses on research reports in geomagnetism, paleomagnetism, marine geology and geophysics, physics and chemistry of minerals and rocks, volcanology, geodesy, gravity, and tectonophysics.
    Journal of South American Earth Sciences
    Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
    Nature Table of contents, summaries of recent articels with supplementary information, as well as downloadable indexes of previous issues are available after a nitpicking registration procedure. You will need the Adobe Acrobat reader to view and print the index.
    Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
    Precambrian Research
    Schweiz. Mineral. Petrograph. Mitt. Swiss Bulletin of Mineralogy and Petrology (Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen)
    ScienceDaily Magazine -- Your link to the latest research news
    Scientific American
    Springer LINK: Bulletin of Volcanology Official Journal of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earths Interior (IAVCEI)
    Springer LINK: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
    Springer LINK: Physics and Chemistry of Minerals Physics and Chemistry of Minerals is an international journal devoted to publishing articles and short communications of physical or chemical studies on minerals or solids related to minerals.
    Springer WienNewYork Mineralogy and Petrology
    The Geological Society of America - GSA Today The monthly newsmagazine of the Geological Society of America.
    The Geological Society of America - Geology Index
    naturalSCIENCE Magazine: Home Page

    Petrologic software

    AEE - Download AEEREF This FREE new software contains a Periodic Table of the Elements with hyperlinks to each element.
    About QuasiTiler version 3.0 QuasiTiler draws Penrose tilings and their generalizations.
    Bob's Rock Shop: Software for Rockhounds . Web page provides a mineral database and identification software and compression software.
    CrystalDesigner home page CrystalDesigner is a computer program for building, studying and visualising all kinds of crystal structures. The software has been developed by Crystal Structure Design AS and runs under Macintosh Operating System.
    DISCUS homepage DISCUS is a program written to simulate crystal structures and to calculate the corresponding Fourier transform. The main scope of the program is to simulate defect structures and thus diffuse scattering. The program distribution contains the program DISCUS itself and the plot program KUPLOT, to display DISCUS results as well as other data.
    Geostatistical Software for the PC . This site presents Microsoft Windows and DOS software which have been found useful for teaching spatial data analysis and geostatistics.
    Mineral Thermodynamic Properties These databases include all or portions of data from Robie, Hemingway, & Fisher (1979), Helgeson, Kirkum, & Flowers (1981), Berman, Brown, & Greenwood (1985) and Berman (1988). Search by constitutent elements or by mineral name.
    PERPLE_X, PERPLEX, PHASE DIAGRAMS, THERMODYNAMICS, PHASE EQUILIBRIA, PETROLOGY A collection of fortran programs for calculating and displaying petrologic phase equilibria.
    People, Places and Things .
    Practical thermobarometry - tools and accessories Click on the appropriate filename to download these utilities.
    SAND software The SAND group at the Norwegian Computing Center try to keep a list of interesting links to sites relevant for geostatistics and a list of available software.
    Software available from the Department of Earth Sciences University of Cambridge. Most programs written by Tim Holland.
    Softwaredatenbank ASK-SISY This database contains detailed descriptions of software for academic usage including teaching, learning and research. Currently there are about 4250 software descriptions (in German).
    Stat. Mech. & Thermo. Related Web Sites .
    Statistics Glossary - Main Contents .
    TCU Mac Geological Software Page 1 .Macintosh Geological Software. Index in alphabetical order of the product name.
    The GVL/EJGE: Software
    The MELTS Supplemental Calculator To compute Thermodynamic Properties and/or Component Transformations of Mineral Solid Solutions
    Thermodynamic Data and Property Calculation Sites on the Web
    Thermodynamics . Including software development for phase diagram calculations. (Theriak, Domino etc.), experimental and theoretical investigations of melts and the encyclopedia of thermodynamics. See the
    UIC Thermodynamics Research Laboratory . Focus areas are analytic statistical mechanics and thermodynamics, e.g. asymmetric and micro/macromolecular mixtures, associating fluids and molecular aggregation kinetics, equations of state, analytic fluctuation theory, heavy fractions characterization, phase transitions modeling, radial distribution functions, variational and perturbation theories, etc.
    theriak-domino introduction . A program collection to calculate equilibrium assemblages and equilibrium phase diagrams.

    Rocks and Processes

    High Pressure Geochemistry and Geophysics
    International Association for Obsidian Studies Home Page Welcome to the International Association for Obsidian Studies (IAOS) home page.
    Magmatism at ocean ridges U.S. National Report to International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1991-1994 (Reviews of Geophysics Vol. 33 Supplement 1995); prepared by the American Geophysical Union.
    Melts and fluids: An overview of recent advances . U.S. National Report to International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1991-1994 (Reviews of Geophysics Vol. 33 Supplement 1995); prepared by the American Geophysical Union.
    Meteorite Classification scheme.
    Meteorites, Impactites and Tektites for Science, Education and Collectors - english
    Meteorites, Meteorites and Impacts Illustrated information to the topic, as well as some appropriate and well-organized in-text links to other websites and pages.
    New evidence for long-distance fluid migration within the earth's crust . U.S. National Report to IUGG, 1991-1994, Rev. Geophys. Vol. 33 Suppl., © 1995 American Geophysical Union.
    Rob's Granite Page All around granite.
    SLMS The Society for Luminescence Microscopy and Spectroscopy (SLMS) is an organization of professionals who use cathodoluminescence (CL) and UV fluoroscence techniques in earth science research.
    Skarn Web Page This web site is an attempt to coordinate research and interest in skarns.
    Tephrabase: Home Page .Both published and unpublished data on tephra deposits and their source volcanoes are available.
    Terrestrial Impact Craters brought to by the SML . (Via Switzerland).
    VLGM Homepage
    When the sky fell on our heads: Identification and interpretation of impact products in the sedimentary record . U.S. National Report to International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1991-1994 (Reviews of Geophysics Vol. 33 Supplement 1995); prepared by the American Geophysical Union.

    Educational courses

    An interactive Geologic Time Scale .
    AEE Periodic Table This interactive periodic table provides information about the atomic weight, atomic number, electronic configuration, oxidation states, state of matter, boiling and melting point, physical description, use and history of that element, etc.
    AIC: Statistics introduction This is not a complete statistical reference. Some very useful books on the subject are given at the end of this tutorial. Work through the study pages and where necessary print a copy of the picture to annotate.
    Bad Science This page is an attempt to sensitize teachers and students to examples of the bad science often taught in schools, universities, and offered in popular articles and even textbooks.
    Binary Phase Diagrams To determine compositions of phases and the relative proportions of phases to each other in binary diagrams the LEVER RULE is used.
    Chemistry A periodic chart, displaying the list of minerals by element (formulas courtesy of Athena Mineralogy).
    Classical, Quantum & Statistical Mechanics & Thermodynamics Educational Sites Classical, Quantum & Statistical Mechanics & Thermodynamics Educational Sites
    Cosmochemical Abundances .
    Crustal Abundances Composition of the Continental Crust
    Download Table of the thermophysical data including the derived data set The file conset is available as an Excel spreadsheet and in different text formats.
    Earth gives some of our planet's vital statistics.
    Encyclopædia Britannica Online Limited Edition Britannica Sample Search allows you to search the entire database of Britannica Online and review search results (article or section titles)
    GEOLOGICAL TIME SCALE With brief introduction.
    Geology 202 - University of British Columbia Petrology (pe - trol - o - gee): The study of rocks and their origins
    Global Instructional Chemistry Welcome to a new concept in the distributed teaching of Chemistry. Over the coming years, these pages will be built up to include small "stories" or case histories illlustrating modern chemistry in action, liberally dosed with "hyperactive" molecules which you will be able to rotate, measure and generally play with.
    HOUGHTON MIFFLIN PRESENTS: www.geologylink.com - virtual field trips
    MInerals under the microscope (An optical mineralogy course)
    Mineral structures Interactive 3-D ball-and-stick models of the crystal structures of a variety of minerals are presented here. The Chime plug-in is needed, a standard plug-in used for displaying chemical molecules.
    Oman Virtual Field Trip Quiz Oman slide show
    Periodic Table of the Elements by Mark Winter, Department of Chemistry at the University of Sheffield
    Pete's Basaltic Blather
    Plate Tectonics This one is a local mirror of a chapter from "A Teacher's Guide to the Geology of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park".
    Practical aspects of thermobarometry here is a sort of tutorial course to help beginning graduate students to work with real mineral data - the usual aim being to extract pressure-temperature information from rocks.
    Research and Teaching in Optical Mineralogy, Mickey Gunter . Research, teaching, and fun in optical mineralogy.
    Scholarly Journals Distributed Via the World-Wide Web . This directory provides links to established Web-based scholarly journals that offer access to English language article files without requiring user registration or fees.
    Ternary Diagrams - Overview . Explanations with exercises.
    Ternary Phase Diagrams , General Rules.
    The Virtual Microscope The provision of virtual instrumentation, the effective emulation of expensive equipment or difficult scientific procedures is a domain where significant cost savings and real educational worth can be demonstrated for multimedia.
    The Virtual Microscope in England The Virtual Microscope was initially developed to help disabled students (particularly those with visual or dexterity problems) attending the summer school of the Open University science foundation course. However, it quickly became clear that the Virtual Microscope was an ideal way of introducing ALL students to microscope work.
    The Nine Planets . A multimedia tour of the Solar System. This site is also mirrored at the
    The mineral and gemstone kingdom: home This free educational website (partly still under construction) was created for all those interested in Rocks, Minerals and Gemstones. This page provides information describing hundreds of minerals, hundreds of high quality mineral images, a special gemstone guide, detailed text regarding topics associated with minerals, an in depth glossary and a free question-answer service (via e-mail).
    UBC - Geology 202 - Igneous Home Page.
    UBC - Geology 202 - Metamorphic Rocks Home Page . Short informations about metamorphic settings, the facies concept, textures and metamorphic rock names, as well as explanations of classification by bulk composition, grain size and fabric development.
    UCMP Web Time Machine .Welcome to the UCMP Web Lift for Geologic Time!
    Virtual Geosciences Professor Geology Resources on the World Wide Web John Butler Department of Geosciences University of Houston, Texas
    Volcanic and Geologic Terms
    What are Meteorites? A short Introduction

    Investigation Methods

    ANL Microscopy and Microanalysis WWW Server This WWW server can provides you with access to up-to-date information about State-of-the-Art Microscopy and Microanalysis programs in the AAEM/TPM effort of the ANL Materials Science Division as well as general information about On-Line information services which are administered for Local, National and International Microscopy/Microanalysis Societies.
    Base Peak Directory of Mass Spectrometry on the Internet
    Cathodoluminescence Cathodoluminescence is ideally suited to investigate the optical properties of simple and complex semiconductor structures spatially, spectrally and time-resolved.
    Charles Evans & Associates Home Page Welcome to our home page. Here you will find information about surface analysis techniques and instrumentation used for the characterization of materials, approaches to materials problem solving in the semiconductor and other industries, literature and information about Charles Evans & Associates, an ISO 9002 certified analytical laboratory.
    Cheatham's Instrumentation Pages
    Digital Instruments-Atomic Force & Scanning Probe Microscopy
    Electron Microprobe Laboratory he electron microprobe is a versatile instrument for determining the composition of tiny amounts solid materials, whether in crystalline or amorphous states.
    Electron Microscopy Accessories Microscopy and Related Resources
    Electron Microscopy in the Geology Department . This site provide an introduction to electron microscopy and microanalysis and access to an online EDS spectra database. See also
    Gatan.com Gatan is the leading supplier of quality products and accessories for the electron microscopist for over 30 years.
    High pressure facility at B1 The CHESS High Pressure Facility exists to provide experimental support for high pressure experiments with diamond anvil cells. In these cells, pressures from around 0.1 GPa (1 kbar) to well over 100 GPa (1 Mbar) can be generated.
    International Centre for Diffraction Data - powder diffraction data - a non-profit scientific organization ICDD is a not-for-profit scientific organization which collects, edits, publishes, and distributes powder diffraction data for the identification of crystalline materials.
    Kevex Instruments Kevex Instruments, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of x-ray analytical instruments and solutions for industry and research.
    MicroWorld Resources and News: A Guide to Microscopy and Microanalysis on the Internet
    Microscopy & Microanalysis Sites
    Microscopy Online is a free hyper-journal published on the World Wide Web designed specifically for the microscopist. Registration required.
    Microscopy Page
    Modal Analysis Outcrop Modal Analysis, a Petrographic Application of Digital Image Processing Technology
    Molecular Expressions: The Microscopy Primer This page is divided into sections like: How to set up a microscope, photography through the microscope, sample preparation for microscopy, microscopy resources on the web, etc.
    NORAN Instruments: X-ray Microanalysis Systems, X-ray Detectors, Confocal Microscopy NORAN Instruments Inc. is a premier manufacturer of microscopy applications and systems.
    Scanning Electron Microscope
    The Spindle Stage, Mickey Gunter A lab session for a mineralogy workshop with lab exercises and video demonstrations.
    UM-StL Scanned Tip and Electron Image Lab .With Image(s) of the month.
    UO DoGS Electron Microprobe Facility Geological Sciences University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon
    USGS Spectroscopy Lab - home page
    Welcome To Nikon Inc. The name Nikon has become synonymous for precise optical instruments relating to the world's view of images and information.
    World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Microscopy .This page of the WWW-Virtual Library covers all aspects of light microscopy, electron microscopy and other forms of microscopy.
    Yahoo! Science:Engineering:Optical Engineering:Microscopy .

    Geological Data

    Active Tectonics The Active Tectonics initiative is intended to enhance multidisciplinary research on active tectonic environments.
    Africa Region Volcanoes in the African Region
    Atomic Radii Tables
    Axial Seamount Volcanic Event, January, 1998 A response effort was organized by NSF/RIDGE and NOAA/VENTS investigators. A short expedition using the Oregon State University research vessel WECOMA occurred February 9-16 (preliminary results available).
    Axial Volcano Page Axial Volcano rises 700 meters above the mean level of the ridge crest and is the most magmatically robust and seismically active site on the Juan de Fuca Ridge between the Blanco Fracture Zone and the Cobb offset.
    Bromo Homepage
    Capulin Volcano National Monument Home Page
    Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC)
    Discovery Online -- Trouble in Paradise, Montserrat - Eruption Cam
    EPR Petrology Database East Pacific Rise Petrology Database
    GERM Home Page The Geochemical Earth Reference Model initiative is a grass-roots effort to establish a consensus within the geosciences community on a chemical characterization of the Earth, its major reservoirs, and the fluxes between them.
    GERM Periodic Table GERM - Reservoir Composition Data (by element)
    Galileo Project Home has the latest from Jupiter and a great collection of images taken en route by the Gallileo Spacecraft
    Government of Montserrat and Montserrat Volcano Observatory The Government of Montserrat and the Montserrat Volcano Observatory. Official Releases Concerning the Situation at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, West Indies
    Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project Home Page (1993/94) has gotten some interesting results by drilling through Mauna Kea volcano
    IEM databases IEM RAS (Russia) presents some databases with WWW interface.
    Index of /hvo Volcano Watch is a weekly newsletter written by the scientists at the US Geological Survey's Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.
    Initial and Parent Daughter Ratios
    Internally consistent dataset Internally consistent dataset for rock-forming minerals. The data set presented here has been published by M. Gottschalk (1997) in European Journal of Mineralogy, 9, 175-223. A downloadable file of thermophysical datas (
    Loihi Loihi seamount, sometimes known as the "youngest volcano" in the Hawaiian chain, is an undersea mountain rising some 3500 meters above the floor of the Pacific Ocean.
    MTU Volcanoes Page has info on recent volcanic eruptions and links to related sites
    MTU Volcanoes Page - Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia 56.07N 160.72E Summit Elevation: 2800m
    MTU Volcanoes Page - Popocatepetl Volcano, Central Mexico
    MTU Volcanoes Page - Rabaul Caldera - reports, images, and animations from Michigan Technological University.
    Mauna Loa, Decade Volcano A website to report research on largest volcanoes.
    Minerals USGS Mineral Resources
    Mt. Cotopaxi - "Volcanic Predictions and Geochemical Survey of Volcanic Mineral Waters", a senior research project.
    NASA Planetary Science Research Discoveries (PSRD) Planetary Science Research Discoveries (PSRD) is an educational site devoted to sharing the fascinating discoveries being made in planetary and space sciences by NASA-sponsored scientists. For inquisitive minds everywhere, PSRD is a vital link for education, planetary and space sciences, and for learning how science works.
    NGDC/WDC MGG, Boulder-Ocean Drilling Data Available from NGDC
    NGDC/WDC MGG, Boulder-PETROS v. 6.1 Data Set
    NOAA/PMEL VENTS Program, Gorda Ridge Volcanic Activity 1996 Volcanic Activity on the Gorda Ridge
    NOAA/PMEL/EPIC - PROTOTYPE Data Access temperature, salinity, pressure, and other values can be plotted in a number of different configurations.
    Newberry National Volcanic Monument
    Ocean Floor Datasets has multibeam images of the ocean floor and an East Pacific Rise petrologic database among other interesting things.
    Our site has moved!
    Pavlof Volcano Pavlof Volcano (Alaska)
    Piton de la Fournaise Piton de la Fournaise volcano activity (in French)
    STScI/HST Public Information has some fantastic images of the births and deaths of stars, galaxies, planets, comets, nebulae, etc. made by the
    Site Moved Information is available about the global assessment of active volcanism, volcanic hazard s, and volcanic inputs to the atmosphere from the earth observing system.
    Table of the Nuclides
    Terrestrial Impact Structures (Craters) a clickable map
    The Electronic Volcano . This site provide materials on active volcanoes worldwide, such as maps, photographs and full texts of dissertations. The Electronic Volcano page will guide you to resources in libraries or resources on other volcano information servers.
    USDOC/ NOAA/ NESDIS/ National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) Home Page has a wealth of marine geochemical data online, including:
    USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory (CVO)
    Volcano World -- The Premier Source of Volcano Info on the Web , another great volcanology site.
    WebElements periodic table of the elements at the University of Sheffield.
    Welcome To Virtually Hawaii!!


    List of forein societies, institutes and laboratories which related to petrology

    Institute of Mineralogy, University of WØrzburg Institute of Mineralogy contributes significantly to a modern training of geoscience students. We teach all aspects of mineralogy (including applied mineralogy), crystallography, petrology, geochemistry and economic geology, at the undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. study levels.
    AFM Home Page French Association of Micromineralogy
    AGIWEB Home Page The American Geological Institute is a nonprofit federation of 34 geoscientific and professional associations that represent more than 100,000 geologists, geophysicists, and other earth scientists.
    Anon This node is designed to provide Internet resources that can help meet the research and academic needs of the readers of the Journal of Computers and Geosciences, many of whom are members of the International Association of Mathematical Geologists.
    Association for Women Geoscientists The Association for Women Geoscientists is dedicated to enhancing opportunities for women in the Geosciences. We offer educational programs for both women and men, field trips to areas of geologic interest, and networking opportunities.
    Bienvenue à l'Université de Genève ]
    CETSEI These are the research pages of the petrology and seismology groups in the Geology Department at Bristol University
    CHiPR Home Page The Center for High Pressure Research
    COGS - The Computer Oriented Geological Society The Computer Oriented Geological Society (COGS) acts as a clearinghouse for information about methodologies, software and datasets and conveys information of interest to all geological disciplines.
    Caltech Experimental Petrology Home Page This page serves the Ed Stolper, Peter Wyllie, and George Rossman groups. It is principally intended for the distribution of information about the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project.
    Center for Earth and Planetary Studies The Center for Earth and Planetary Studies (CEPS) is a scientific research unit within the Collections and Research Department of the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution. CEPS performs original research and outreach activities on topics covering planetary science, terrestrial geophysics, and the remote sensing of environmental change.
    Cornell University Geological Sciences Department
    Danish Lithosphere Centre DLC is one of five Earth Science institutes forming the new 'Geocenter Copenhagen' hosted by the University of Copenhagen.
    Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, Brno
    Dept. of Earth Sciences
    Environmental Geochemistry (IEM RAS)
    Geochemical Research and Analysis page.
    Geological Society (London, UK). Geological information for geoscientists, educators, students and the general public. We are the UK's national geological learned society and professional body for geoscientists. We have over 8000 members including 1600 Chartered Geologists. Our Burlington House apartments in London host scientific and professional meetings and house one of the largest geological library collections in the UK.
    Geological Survey of Canada - Commission géologique du Canada
    Geophysical Laboratory, Washington, DC Carnegie Institution of Washington
    High-Pressure Research and Mineral Physics of the Earth's Interior Department of Earth Sciences, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PR, UK
    Homepage Fachbereich Geowissenschaften - TU Clausthal
    IUMSC Data Server The Indiana University Molecular Structure Center is a research facility in the Department of Chemistry at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. The laboratory has a full complement of single crystal and powder diffraction equipment used to characterize crystalline materials using the techniques of X-ray crystallography. Researchers in the laboratory can determine the three-dimensional structure of nearly any material that can be crystallized.
    Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology at the University of Calgary
    Institute of Isotope Geology and Mineral Resources, ETH Zürich, home .
    Institute of Mineralogy and Petrography, Earth Sciences Dept., ETH-Zurich part of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich
    LCP-UM Laboratory for Crustal Petrology Department of Geology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742
    LLNL Geochemistry . Interesting contributions!
    LLNL Geosciences Home Page Research in the earth sciences at Livermore (New Zeland) is carried out by the Geosciences and Environmental Technology (GET), and the Geophysics and Global Security (GGS) Programs.
    LMDR Laboratory for Mineral Deposits Research Laboratory for Mineral Deposits Research, Lithospheric Processes Group, Department of Geology University of Maryland
    Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory Scientists at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, a division of the Columbia Earth Institute at Columbia University, study Solid Earth, Life, Ocean, Climate, and Environmental systems to better understand how our planet operates as a web of interconnecting processes.
    Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) Home Page
    Microscopy Society of America
    Mineral Spectroscopy . This server provides information about mineralogy and is primarily dedicated to providing information about color in minerals and access to data on Mineral Absorption Spectra in the visible and infrared regions of the spectrum.
    Mineralogical Association of Canada
    Natural Resources Research Information Pages
    Nordic Volcanological Institute A Nordic institute for research and training in volcanology and related fields.
    Ocean Drilling Program: Science Operator Web Site.
    Projektbereich 4.1 Our research group is mainly concerned with the experimental study of mineral equilibria, mineral-fluid phase relations and compositions of coexisting phases in immiscible fluids in geological relevant systems. Our work is focused on metamorphic conditions within the earth's crust.
    Research groups in Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge
    SOEST Isotope Laboratory
    School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST) The Hawai'i Undersea Geo-Observatory (HUGO) is a submarine observatory on the summit of Loihi seamount, an active undersea Hawaiian volcano. HUGO was deployed in October 1997 and data from it are relayed to the Big Island of Hawai'i for real-time monitoring of the volcano.
    Stanford Petrotectonic Group Petrotectonics (China, Russia, California. Experimental Petrology (Petrologic Phase Equilibria, Kinetics of Metamorphism, Geochemistry)
    Swiss Photo Gallery .
    The Geological Society of America - Welcome! Established in 1888, The Geological Society of America provides access to elements that are essential to the professional growth of earth scientists at all levels of expertise and from all sectors: academic, government, business, and industry.
    The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Earth Sciences Organizations - organizations are listed by countries: Asian, Australian, European, North American, and South American
    U.S. Geological Survey Home Page U.S. Geological Survey, a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Interior
    U.S. Geological Survey-Geologic Information
    USD Earth Sciences listing web sites of univeristy earth science deparment in the U.S. and Canada.
    VRC HOME PAGE .VOLCANO RESEARCH CENTER (VRC) Earthquake Research Institute (ERI) University of Tokyo conducts various scientific researches on magmatic processes and volcano dynamics, which will help to improve prediction of volcanic eruptions.
    Welcome to Brookhaven National Laboratory!
    Welcometo the Department of GeosciencesatSUNY Stony Brook
    http://www.agu.org - American Geophysical Union. Earth - Oceans - Atmosphere - Space - Planets
    isochem moved Isotope Geochemistry Lab is part of the Dept. of Geological Sciences at the UW (Washington), and supervised by Bruce Nelson. We are located in Johnson Hall on the sunny Seattle campus of the UW.
    webpage.html University of Washington - Department of Geological Sciences


    Rock forming minerals

    ATHENA: MINERALOGY; Pierre Perroud Here are mineral lists (IMA approved mineral names and varieties names, updated middle 1997) sorted either alphabetically or arranged systematically. As every science, mineralogy is changing: new analysis often modify formulas and other datas; new minerals are discovered; others are discredited.
    MAIN MINERAL AGGREGATES For the description of mineral aggregates, I use partially published Stepanov's classification, modified by our team. The generally accepted international classification completely adduced in C.Hill's and P.Forti's classical work, "Cave Minerals of the World", just like Maksimovich's popular classification with its several variants, have a number of serious errors with relation to the systematism of their construction, and therefore, they can not be successfully applied to Cupp- - Coutunn.
    Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS) of the U.S. Geological Survey The Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS) is a computerized storage, retrieval, and display system developed and managed by the Mineral Resource Surveys Program, Geologic Division, U.S. Geological Survey. MRDS is an international data base of mineral sites records with related geologic, commodity, and deposit information.
    Mineral Resources Department
    Mineralogy Software Annotated index to some mineralogy, gemmology and crystallography software and database.



    Agee Research Harvard University: Investigating the origin and evolution of earth and planetary interiors through high pressure experiments.
    Dave Waters' Home Page .
    George R. Rossman Ph.D., California Institute of Technology; Professor of Mineralogy. Research Interests: The relationship between the spectroscopic properties of minerals and their chemistry and structures, involving metal ion site occupancy, trace water, radiation effects, and X-ray amorphous materials.
    IUCr - International Union of Crystallography With the World Database of Crystallographers.
    Peter J. Wyllie Ph.D., D.Sc.h.c., University of St. Andrews (Scotland); Professor of Geology. The origin of batholiths, andesites, kimberlites, carbonatites, and associated ore deposits, evaluated from the phase relationships of minerals and rocks at high pressures and temperatures.
    Thomas Menard This site includes information on metamorphic petrology and petrography, computer modelling of metamorphic reactions and P-T paths, structural geology and tectonic setting and geochemistry of synmetamorphic alteration.
    USGS Mineral Resources Program: Resource Specialists Directory (USGS). Mineral resource specialists examine the geologic and economic aspects of mineral resources and can answer questions related to the geologic aspects of mineral resources and exploration.
    Vladimir V. Ermakov Researcher of Lithosphere Laboratory of IEM


    Fluid, melt and solid inclusions in minerals

    Fluid Inclusion Laboratory Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology, University of Bern, Switzerland
    Fluid Inclusions - University of Basel Welcome to the group of Dr. J.Mullis.