Butvina V.G.*, Nielsen T.F.D.**, Safonov O.G*., Litvin Yu.A.*
*Institute of Experimental Mineralogy,
Carbonate-rich hypabyssal kimberlites of the Majuagaa dyke, Maniitsoq,
In order to further
estimate a possible mantle source for the Majuagaa kimberlites, melting relations of the texturally
homogeneous sample are experimentally studied at pressure 8.5 GPa and temperatures 1200 1750oC using the
anvil-with-hole HP apparatus and a thermogradient
cell. The studied interval of temperatures includes conditions of subsolidus, subliquidus, and
complete melting conditions for the kimberlite. Liquids forming both during
partial and complete melting of the sample are homogeneous carbonate-silicate
melts (LCS). The quenched carbonate-silicate melt only (i.e.
complete melting) is observed at temperatures above 1730OC. Compositional
characteristics of this melt and its MgO/CaO (~1.4)
are very similar to the model Majuagaa kimberlite melt calculated from the rock bulk composition
after subtraction of olivine composition [1]. It means that this melt would
coexist with olivine. However, olivine Fo90Fa10 was
firstly identified only at 1730oC. Garnet and Mg-bearing ilmenite (?) appear at about 1710oC forming
olivine + garnet + ilmenite + LCS cotectic assemblage. The melt at this temperature is more carbonatitic and shows lower MgO/CaO
ratio (~0.8). Such evolution of the melt is consistent with that identified for
kimberlite-related systems at high pressures [2-5]. Perovskite, apatite, and Ti-magnetite (?) subsequently join
this assemblage at 1700-1680oC. Appearance of carbonate phase,
presumably, dolomite, at 1680OC manifests the solidus of the system.
At lowest temperature (down to 1200OC), the subsolidus
includes the assemblage olivine + garnet + ilmenite (Ti-magnetite)
+ Mg-aragonite(?) + Ca-Fe-magnesite
+ perovskite + apatite. No pyroxenes were observed in
the solidus run products. Their absence is, probably, related to low activity
of CO2 in the experiments, stabilizing olivine with calcic carbonate (for example, 2olivine + 4CaCO3
+ 2CO2 = 3dolomite + diopside).
Thus, the present
experiments indicate that the Majuagaa carbonate-rich
kimberlite has originated from the carbonated garnet peridotite enriched in titanium. Experiments indicate very
narrow temperature interval for formation of the kimberlite
melt, i.e. 50-70oC (~1760 - 1680oC). It is consistent
with experiments by Dalton & Presnall [2] in the
model CMAS-CO2 system, but strongly disagrees with the results of
experiments on natural peridotite-carbonate systems
[e.g. 3-5]. This narrow solidus-to-liquidus interval
implies that the Majuagaa kimberlite,
probably, is a near-eutectic (olivine + garnet + ilmenite + dolomite + LCS) melt separated from the
above carbonated garnet peridotite at very low degree
of partial melting. Addition of carbonate to the peridotite
is, possibly, related to metasomatic processes via CO2-rich
fluids or complex carbonatite melts. The presence of
the second agents is supported by recent observations of chloride-bearing carbonatite inclusions in olivines
from the Majuagaa kimberlites
geochemically similar to the host kimberlites
High efficiency of
the Majuagaa carbonate-silicate melts for diamond spontaneous
nucleation and growth in the case of oversaturation
of this melt with dissolved carbon with respect to diamond is demonstrated with
additional experiments at 6.5 8.5 GPa and 1650
1780oC with the homogeneous mixture (3:2) of the kimberlite
and spectral graphite. Formation of diamond crystals of octahedral habit were
observed within the 5 12 min period.
The study is
supported by the INTAS project 05-1000008-793,8 RFBR
grants 08-05-00110-a and 07-05-00499-a, the RF President grants MK-194.2008.5
and MD-130.2008.5.
[1] Nielsen T.F.D., Jensen S.M.
The Majuagaa calcite-kimberlite
dyke, Maniitsoq, Southern West Greenland //
Geological Survey of Denmark and
[4] Girnis A.V., Bulatov V.K., Brey, G.P. Transition from kimberlite to carbonatite melt
under mantle parameters: an experimental study // Petrology. 2005. V. 13. P. 1-15.
[5] Brey G.P., Bulatov V.K., Girnis A.V., Lahaye Y. Experimental melting of carbonated peridotite at 6 - 10 GPa.
Journal of Petrology. 2008. V. 49. P. 797-821.
[6] Kamenetsky V.S., Kamenetsky
M.B., Weiss Y., Navon O., Nielsen T.F.D., Mernagh T.P. Alkali carbonates and chlorine in kimberlites from