First data on composition of volcanic rocks from the
northern part of Sredinny Range, Kamchatka
A.O.Volynets1, M.M.Pevzner2
1Institute of
volcanology and seismology FED RAS, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky,
š2Geological Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
This study is
focused on composition of volcanic rocks from the northernmost part of Sredinny
Range of Kamchatka. Sredinny Range (SR) represents a back-arc of the present
Kamchatka subduction system according to the most researches’ opinion (Avdeiko et al., 2002; Churikova et al., 2001, etc.); Benioff zone is located at 350 km depth in the southern
part of SR, beneath Khangar volcano, and is not
observed further to the north (Gorbatov et al.,
1997). Active volcanic front ends on the latitude of Shiveluch
volcano. Nevertheless, recent geochronologic research
revealed Holocene eruptions in SR up to 180 km to the north-north-west from Shiveluch: Spokojny volcano (N 58á 08’, E 160á49’) was
active in early and middle Holocene, last eruption 5400 14C years
B.P.; Nilgimelkin monogenetic lava field (N 57á
58’, E 160á 39’) was formed during fissure eruption 5500 14C
years B.P.; X cinder cone (N 58á 10’, E 160á 48’) erupted
4000 14C years B.P.; and the youngest edifice, Tobeltsen
cinder cone and lava flow (N 58á 15’, E 160á 44’), were
formed around 3500 14C years B.P. (Pevzner,
2006). Here we present first data on composition of major and some
microelements of the volcanic rocks produced by Pleistocene eruptions of Spokojny volcano and surrounding monogenetic lava field,
Pleistocene Snegovoj shield volcano; Holocene Nilgimelkin and Tobelsten
monogenetic cinder cones and underlying Neogene lava
All studied rocks
belong to calc-alkaline medium- to high-K series and fall into the field of
previously studied volcanic rocks from the other parts of Sredinny Range
(Volynets et al., submitted; Volynets, 2006; Churikova et al., 2001). Most
samples are basaltic andesites, with some basalts and andesites; products of
Pleistocene Spokojny volcano and Neogene
lavas, exposed in the upper part of Cherpokvejem River,
are represented by dacites. Plateau-basalts are
exposed in the upper part of Voyampolka River.
Two trends can be identified on K2O-SiO2, MgO-CaO, Rb-MgO diagrams
(Fig.1A). Holocene Tobeltsen and Nilgimelkin
basaltic andesites, Pleistocene Snegovoj
andesites, monogenetic lavas of the Voyampolka headwaters and andesitic
monogenetic lava flow near Spokojny volcano compose
first trend. These rocks belong to medium-K series; they have rather low Mg
content (3.17-4.59 wt.% for basaltic andesites and 3.15-3.51 wt.% for andesites).
Pleistocene monogenetic lavas of Spokojny volcano
surroundings compose second trend. It is characterized by higher K2O
content (the samples are actually located on the margin between medium and
high-K rocks), higher MgO (3.51 wt.%
(andesite) -7.32 wt.% (basalt)). At the same MgO content, rocks, forming second trend, are slightly more
CaO-rich. Spokojny’ dacites are more alkali-rich and lye on the boundary of dacites and trachydacites on the
classification diagram Na2O+K2O – SiO2. A
single sample of Neogene plateau-basalts from Voyampolka
River is located on Harker diagrams between plateau-basalts from Left and Right
Ozernaya Rivers and is similar to Right Ozernaya plateau-basalts by microelements content (Volynets
et al., submitted, Volynets, 2006). In general, analyzed samples have the same
concentrations of V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Ba, Nb, and Y as previously
studied volcanic rocks of Sredinny Range (Volynets et al., submitted; Volynets,
2006). Concentrations of fluid-mobile elements are more or less constant in all
samples from basalts to andesites: Ba 400-700 ppm, Sr ~500 ppm, Rb
8-22 ppm. Due to the fact that Ba
and Nb have similar partition coefficient in melt,
but behave quite opposite way in fluid, Ba/Nb ratio
does not depend on partial melting processes and immediately increases at fluid
presence, so it can be used as indicator of fluid
involvement. Most studied rocks have Ba/Nb 30-80
(Fig.1B), what means that these rocks contain moderate amount of fluid in the
source. Neogene lavas and Pleistocene monogenetic
lava flow in the Cherpokvejem River
headwaters have higher Ba/Nb ratio: 168-202 and 123,
respectively; this indicated substantial fluid influence to magma genesis in a
zone, where no active subduction is registered by modern geophysical data. Nb/Y ratio in studied volcanic rocks varies in a wide range
from 0,14 to 0,74 (Fig.1B). Lowest values are typical
for Neogene lavas, both acid and basic. Higher Nb/Y ratio, observed in Pleistocene surroundings of Spokojny volcano and northernmost sampled sites, may be
connected either with lower degrees of melting in the source, or with
enrichment of the source with HFSE (which is also reflected in high Nb content in these samples: 13-18 ppm).
Previous studies have shown, that OIB-like mantle source involvement in magma
generation is necessary for explanation of the specific features (i.e. HFSE
enrichment) of the SR volcanic rocks (Volynets et al., submitted, Volynets,
2006, Churikova et al., 2001). Available data for the north of SR do not allow
making a well-reasoned conclusions regarding mantle, slab and/or other sources
in magma genesis, and further research should be done; nevertheless, similarity
of the geochemistry of the volcanic rocks from the north part of SR with the
volcanic rocks from the rest of SR suggests relatively similar source
composition and uniform melting process within the whole Sredinny Range.
Therefore, presence of young (Late Pleistocene and Holocene) volcanic centers
in the north SR and geochemical characteristics of their products, indicating
involvement of slab component and OIB-like source in their genesis, again raise
up a question of the geodynamic situation in this region.
This study was
financially supported by RFBR grant 07-05-00536, 08-05-00092, FED RAS
09-III-ô-08-465, Program 16 of RAS Presidium.

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