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11-й IAGOD симпозиум совместно с Геоконгрессом 2002.

14.01.2002 | Геологический факультет МГУ
    11th IAGOD Quadrennial Symposium in association with Geocongress 2002, Windhoek, Namibia, 16 to 21 July Pre-Congress Excursions in various countries of southern Africa, 22 to 27 July, 2002, Congress in Windhoek, Namibia, 27 July to 2 August, 2002 Post-Congress Excursions (as above), contact: Mr Ger Kegge, IAGOD/Geocongress 2002, P O Box 90469, Klein Windhoek, Namibia, kegge@iafrica.com.na, First circular to be published in March 2001 - e-mail postal address details to Ger Kegge at kegge@iafrica.com.na or to Erik Hammerbeck at ehammerb@geoscience.org.za, web page: http://www.geoconference2002.com.

Проект осуществляется при поддержке:
Геологического факультета МГУ,

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