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Authors: Goncharov, M.A. , Talitsky, V.G. & Frolova, N.S.

Belousov Laboratory of Tectonophysics and Geotectonics
Chair of Dynamic Geology
Room 709, ж-06
Ph.: 007-095-9391912, 007-095-9391841
Fax: 007-095-9391954
E-mail: gonch@dynamo.geol.msu.ru


Introduction to Tectonophysics. The manual. Moscow, "University" Book House, 2005.
496 pp., 202 figs, 3 tabs.
Editor-in-chief N.V. Koronovsky. (In Russian)
The first domestic manual on tectonophysics generalizes experience of long-term teaching course of studies "Tectonophysics " at Geological Faculty of Lomonosov State University of Moscow. This course has been initiated in 70th of XX century by Prof. V.V. Belousov,  one of the founders of domestic tectonophysics.
In the manual, according to the high school program, the foundations of tectonophysics,  the science about movements and deformations in the lithosphere, forces and stresses causing them, and also about results of these stresses, i. e. structural parageneses, are stated. In the first part, the statement is conducted on the basis of mechanics of continuous (not structured) medium. In the second part, it is involved new arising division of mechanics, so called mechanics of structured medium. In the third part, prospects of development of concepts concerning geodynamic conditions and structural parageneses generated by these situations are stated: a sight at geodynamics (including plate tectonics) from the point of view of tectonophysics.
The book is intended for students of geology of high schools, and also for experts on structural geology, geotectonics, geodynamics and search of mineral deposits on the structural geology basis.
It is permitted by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as the manual for students of the higher educational institutions training on geology.
ISBN 5-98227-074-1 

On questions of purchase of the book to address by phone 007-095-9394036
Or to the Internet- shop to the address kdu@kdu.ru

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Table of contents
Goncharov Mikhail A.
Talitsky Vasily G.
Frolova Natalia S.
Belousov Laboratory of Tectonophysics and Geotectonics

 См. также
Аннотации книгУчебное пособие "Введение в тектонофизику". Гончаров М. А., Талицкий В. Г., Фролова Н. С. Ответ. Ред Короновский Н.В.
ДиссертацииНовейшая сдвиговая тектоника осадочных бассейнов: тектонофизический и флюидодинамический аспекты (в связи с нефтегазоносностью):
ДиссертацииНовейшая сдвиговая тектоника осадочных бассейнов: тектонофизический и флюидодинамический аспекты (в связи с нефтегазоносностью): Общая характеристика работы.
Научные статьиТезисы научной конференции ЛОМОНОСОВСКИЕ ЧТЕНИЯ, ноябрь 2011 года СЕКЦИЯ ГЕОЛОГИЯ:

Проект осуществляется при поддержке:
Геологического факультета МГУ,
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