1. Treatment of strain of a particle, in accordance
with continuous medium mechanics, as one of the components of tectonic
flow, alongside with translation and rotation of this particle.
Description of quantitative interrelation of fields of these three
2. An idea about a relativity of concept of strain
uniformity, with reference to bodies of a different scale and about "a
hierarchical alternation " of homogeneous and heterogeneous strain.
3. Treatment of general stress as a combination of
comprehensive compression and deviatory stress; definition of a role of
these components in strain of a particle.
4. Treatment of stress field as a derivative of
strain velocity field (as against traditional idea about this field as
a derivative of external forces).
5. Accent on a relativity of concepts of ductile
and brittle strain depending on a ratio of sizes of: (a) bodies, and
(b) ruptures breaking these bodies. Treatment of brittle strain of some
volume of medium as a mechanism of ductile strain of a larger volume,
alternative of ductile strain of a proportionate volume and coordinator
of ductile strain of smaller volumes. Treatment of rupturing as a
limiting case of heterogeneity of strain, as well as treatment of
faulting as a limiting case of instability of ductile strain.
Indication on energetic underlying reason of such instability.
6. Revealing cases of simplification of analogue
modeling at automatic performance of similarity conditions.
7. Accent on dependence of strain properties of
geological bodies on their rank and size (minerals, rocks, or bedded
formations). Indication on overestimate of an estimation of viscosity
of all the lithosphere mantle according to viscosity of its main
rock-forming minerals such as olivine.
8. Description of conditions of functioning of
convection in linear or dome forms, depending on Rayleigh number.
Indication on linear form of convection as a possible cause of
formation of linear rises and depressions, without influence of
external horizontal compression.
9. Ranging natural indicators of strain in the
Earth's crust with indication on strain of objects of a different
scale: (a) intralayer strain, (b) strain of rock layers, (c) strain of
packets of layers, (d) strain of bedded formations, and (e) strain of
rock massifs.
10. Examples of quantitative estimation of stress
value in some elementary cases. Indication on a rather low stress value
in the Earth's crust, capable to cause significant ductile strain.
11. Introduction to concept of elementary
geodynamic conditions and definition of their minimum by means of
combinatory analysis. Idea of real geodynamic conditions in the Earth's
crust as a combination of elementary conditions.
12. Definition of a spatial combination of
elementary geodynamic conditions and corresponding structural
parageneses as a result of balanced arrangement of tectonic flow in the
Earth's crust. Idea of this arrangement as a consequence of such a
fundamental property of geological continuous medium as its continuity.
13. Idea of mutual balancing of vertical and
horizontal tectonic movements and of balancing (in chessboard order) of
horizontal compression, at some sites, by horizontal stretching at
adjacent (in horizontal and vertical direction) sites.
14. Indication on two "competing" forms of
superficial horizontal stream: (a) in the solid state (thrusts); and
(b) in the "disintegrated" state (denudation and balanced
15. Indication on consecutive imposing different
structural parageneses within domains of geological medium at
participation of these domains in translation, rotation and strain in
the process of balanced tectonic flow.
16. Analysis of mechanism of structural forms
formation and their aggregates (structural parageneses) from positions
of structured medium mechanics.
17. Treatment of thrust kinematics as one of the
parts of balanced arrangement of tectonic flow.
18. Treatment of transform faults of mid-ocean
ridges as an original "mega-cleavage", displacement along which occurs,
as well as in the case of cleavage of fold belts, in "forbidden"
direction, that is parallel to the maximal stretching axis.
19. Rank analysis of geodynamic conditions and
corresponding structural parageneses, with allocation of a triad
"enclosed" each other "geodynamic" (and corresponding geological)
bodies: a geodynamic (structural) system, a geodynamic (structural)
cell, a geodynamic (structural) domain. Treatment of a geodynamic
(structural) domain of lower (large-scale) rank as a geodynamic
(structural) system of higher (small-scale rank). Introduction to
concept of a rank hierarchy of systems, cells and domains.
20. Ordering lacks of prevailing modern geodynamic
paradigm, i. e. plate tectonics, and attempt of their elimination by
means of creating a concept of geodynamics of hierarchically
interacting geospheres, with revealing, within these geospheres,
geodynamic and structural systems, cells and domains of a different
rank. Treatment of the whole spectrum of structures of the Earth within
the framework of this concept.
21. Revealing a non-rank "geodynamic constant",
that is a ratio of thickness of each geodynamic system to duration of
geodynamic cycle of corresponding rank.
22. Ascertaining connection of hierarchical
geodynamics and metallogeny.