Office: room A-402 (or C-03), Geological Department, Moscow State University, Vorobievi
Gori, Moscow,119899, Russia Office Phone 07(095)-939-18-41, Fax: 07(095)-9328889 Email: pavel@web.ru
My Biographical INFO
is not interesting, and you could skip it ...
Current Position
- Associate Proffessor, Moscow State University, Geological
Department, Experimental Petrology & Data Processing.
- RVGN WWWmaster. RVGN -
Russian Virtual GeoNetwork, whose aim is developing the Russian WEB technology in
geosciencies. The main goal of this service is to collect and sort the geological
information, geological software and datasets in Russia at least. We wrote special
software for this site, which services all pages automatically.
Work in progress
- Melt Inclusions in minerals.
We investigated melt inclusions in some natural objects (Khibinian massiv, Guli intrusion,
Kamchatka's allivalites, Klyuchevskoy, Kambalny, Avacha, Gamchen, Kizimen, Ichinsky
volcanoes of the Kamchatka, Ebeko volcano in Kuriles).Also, I am interesting in metods of
melt inclusion investigation and methods of their composition correction.
- Volcanism of the Kurile-Kamchatka Arc is a one of the most
interesting petrologic problem. Kamchatka Volcanic Arc is the oldest wide-world area of
the active volcanism. The largest range in lava compositions and geotectonic positions of
the Kamchatkan volcanoes allows to investigate all aspects of the island-arc volcanism.
- Thermodynamics of the magmatic system is the most difficult
part of the theretical and experimental pertrology. We are developing the original method
of the estimation of melt thermodynamic properties.
- Some of my recent publications It includes full text
in Russian and small abstracts in English.
My DATA collection
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