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Содержание Библиотеки
Электронные журналы, on-line версии журналов
Издательства и организации, издающие журналы
Сайты с подборками библиотечных ссылок


Библиотеки COPAC University Research Library Catalogue
ГПНТБ СО РАН Центральная библиотека Новосибирского Академгородка
The USGS Library


Журналы (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z)
A, B American Mineralogist (журнал при Mineralogical Society of America)
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences (Springer Berlin Heidelberg)

C, D Computers & Geosciences (Elsevier Science)
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (Springer Berlin Heidelberg)

E, F Earth and Planetary Science Letters (Elsevier Science)
Earth Interactions (AGU, ассоциация американский географов и метереологического общества)
Earth Observation and Remote Sensing(The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group)
Earth-Science Reviews(Elsevier Science)
Environmental Geology (Springer Berlin Heidelberg)
Environmental Geosciences (Blackwell Science Ltd)
Environmental Management (Springer Berlin Heidelberg)
European Journal of Mineralogy (Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart (Germany)

G, H Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (Elsevier Science)
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (Special Issues) (Elsevier Science)
Geodinamica Acta (Elsevier Science)
Geofluids (Blackwell Science Ltd)
GeoLogic Terra NOVA (Terra NOVA)
Geological Abstracts (Elsevier Science)
Geological Magazine (Cambridge University Press)
Geological Society of America (GSA)
Geology Today (Blackwell Science Ltd)
Geomechanics Abstracts (Elsevier Science)
Geomorphology (Elsevier Science)
Geology (GSA)
Geophysical Journal (The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group)
Geophysical Journal International (Blackwell Science Ltd)
Geophysical Research Letters (AGU)
Global and Planetary Change (Elsevier Science)

I International Journal of Mineral Processing (Elsevier Science)
International Journal of Mineral Processing (Special Issues) (Elsevier Science)
Isotope Geoscience (Special Issues) (Elsevier Science)

J, K Journal of Geophysical Research - Planet (AGU)
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth (AGU)
Journal of Metamorphic Geology (Blackwell Science Ltd)
Journal of African Earth Sciences (Elsevier Science)
Journal of African Earth Sciences (Special Issues) (Elsevier Science)
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (Elsevier Science)
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (Special Issues) (Elsevier Science)
Journal of Geochemical Exploration (Elsevier Science)
Journal of Geodynamics (Elsevier Science)
Journal of Geodynamics (Special Issues) (Elsevier Science)
Journal of Geodynamics with Journal of Structural Geology (Elsevier Science)
Journal of the Geological Society
Journal of Microscopy (Blackwell Science Ltd)
Journal of Metamorphic Geology (Elsevier Science)
Journal of Petrology (Oxford University Press)
Journal of South American Earth Sciences (Elsevier Science)
Journal of Structural Geology (Elsevier Science)
Journal of Structural Geology (Special Issues) (Elsevier Science)
Journal of Terramechanics (Elsevier Science)

L Lithos (Elsevier Science)
Lithos (Special Issues) (Elsevier Science)

M Microscopy and Microanalysis (Springer Berlin Heidelberg)
Mineralium Deposita (Springer Berlin Heidelberg)
Mineralogy and Petrology (Springer Berlin Heidelberg)
Minerals Engineering (Elsevier Science)
Minerals Engineering (Special Issues) (Elsevier Science)
Modern Geology (The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group)

N Nature (Macmillan Publishers Ltd)

O Ore Geology Reviews (Elsevier Science)

P, Q Papers in Regional Science (Springer Berlin Heidelberg)
Planetary and Space Science (Elsevier Science)
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals (Springer Berlin Heidelberg)
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (Elsevier Science)
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors (Elsevier Science)
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy (Elsevier Science)
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary (Elsevier Science)
Precambrian Research (Elsevier Science)
Precambrian Research (Special Issues) (Elsevier Science)

R Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (Springer Berlin Heidelberg)
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (AGU)

S Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science)
Scientific American (Scientific American, Inc)
Swiss Bulletin of Mineralogy and Petrology
(Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Gesellschaft)

T, U Tectonics (AGU)
Tectonophysics (Elsevier Science)
Tectonophysics (Special Issues) (Elsevier Science)
Terra Nova (Terra NOVA, Blackwell Science Ltd)
The Island Arc (Blackwell Science Ltd)
The Journal of the Geological Society (UK)

V, W, X, Y, Z Volcanology and Seismology (The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group)

Геотектоника (англ)
Физика Земли (англ)


Электронные журналы, on-line версии журналов Computers & Geosciences on-line (Elsevier Science)
G3 (электронный журнал по геофизике, геохимии и геосистемам при American Geophysical Union)
Geomorphology on-line (Elsevier Science)
Geological Materials Research (электронный журнал при Mineralogical Society of America)
Journal of the Virtual Explorer (разделы - тектоника, геохронология, структурная геология, геодинамика и др.)
Lithos on-line (Elsevier Science)
Some articles from GeoLogic (Terra NOVA, Blackwell Science Ltd)
Precambrian Research on-line (Elsevier Science)
Российский журнал наук о Земле


Издательства и организации, издающие журналы American Geophysical Union (AGU) содержания и рефераты последних журналов (AGU Journals)
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Annual Review
Blackwell Science Ltd
Cambridge University Press
Elsevier Science
Geological Society of America (GSA)
Macmillan Publishers Ltd
Mineralogical Society of America
OCLC (Online Computer Library Center, Inc.)
Oxford University Press
Springer-Verlag Journals Information
Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart (Germany)
Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Gesellschaft
Scientific American, Inc
Terra NOVA, Blackwell Science Ltd
The Gordon and Breach Publishing Group


Сайты с подборками библиотечных ссылок Cambridge Journal Online
Center for Publishing Development (The Center for Publishing Development is part of the Open Society Institute/Soros Foundations Network)
Earth Sciences (ftp-сервер с ссылками на русскоязычные журналы по геологии)
Geological Journals and Periodicals (School of Ocean and Earth Science, Southampton University, Southampton Oceanography Centre - прекрасная подборка иностранной периодики)
INFOMAG Service (rus)
References about Geology of Turkey


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