Тектоническое общество России

Полянский Олег Петрович
Oleg V. Polyansky
Старший научный сотрудник, кандитат геол.-мин. наук
Senior researcher, geophysisist, PhD in mineralogy&petrography
Лаборатория метаморфизма и метосоматизма
Институт минералогии и петрографии СО РАН
630090, г.Новосибирск, пр.ак.Коптюга, 3
Laboratory of metamorphism and metasomatism
Institute of Mineralogy & Petrography SB RAS
Ak. Koptyug, 3, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
tel:7 ( 383- 2) 333672
fax:7 ( 383- 2) 332792

Основные публикации (Papers):
  • Polyansky O.P Mathematical modeling of diapiric processes in the Earth crust. In " Methods of studying and modeling of geological phenomenon", United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Novosibirsk, 1987, p.49-58 (in Russian).
  • Polyansky O.P Formation of diapiric structures on the base of modeling of Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities, Geology and geophysics, 1988, n1, p.83-89 (in Russian)
  • Polyansky O.P A mechanism of diapiric uplift of granit-gneissic domes. Hydrodynamical model. In "Models of evolution of metamorphic processes in shields and fold belts", United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Novosibirsk,1987, p.62-64 (in Russian)
  • Polyansky O.P Thermodynamic and kinematic parameters of genesis of granit-gneiss diapir (Bajan-Hongor fold belt, Mongolia), Geology and geophysics, 1989, N 1, p.34-40 (in Russian)
  • Polyansky O.P., Efremov V.N. Diagnostics of dome-shape structures of Ladoga Lake on the base of thermodynamic data and tectonophysical analysis, Geology and Geophysics, 1989, N4, p. 43-47 (in Russian)
  • Polyansky O.P, Volkov P.K. A model of metamorphism during advection process, Geology and Geophysics, 1990, N2, p.29-36 (in Russian)
  • Fridinger P.G., Reverdatto V.V., Polyansky O.P. Burial sediments metamorphism in rift structures of Earth crust (modeling approach), Geology and Geophysics, 1991, N9, p. 81-90 (in Russian)
  • Velinsky V.V., Polyansky O.P, Riabov I.V. Geothermal studying of transform fault Cabo Verde, Reports of AS USSR,1991, v. 318, N6, p. 1422-1424 (in Russian)
  • Velinsky V.V., Polyansky O.P, Ryabov I.V. Geothermal studying near fault of Cabo Verde, In "Geological studying in Central Atlantic region", United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Novosibirsk, 1991, p.84-98 (in Russian)
  • Reverdatto V.V., Polyansky O.P., Ananev V.A. Model estimations of paleotemperature and burial metamorphism during rifting, Reports of AS USSR, 1992, v. 323, N5, p.921-924 (in Russian)
  • Reverdatto V.V., Polyansky O.P. PT-evolution in alternative models of metamorphism , Reports of AS USSR, 1992, v.325, N5, p.1017-1020 (in Russian)
  • Reverdatto V.V., Polyansky O.P., Chekunov A.V. Evolution of Dnieper-Donetsk avlacogen in relation to North-European rifts, Reports of AS USSR, 1993, v. 330, N5, p. 620-623 ( in Russian)
  • Reverdatto V.V., Sheplev V.S., Polyansky O.P. , Burial metamorphism and evolution of rift depressions, Petrology, 1995, v.3, N1, p.37-44 (in Russian)
  • Reverdatto V.V., Polyansky O.P., Anan'ev V.A. Prediction of rifting parameters on the base of modeling of sedimentary basins evolution, Reports of AS USSR, 1996, v. 350, N6, p.803-806 ( in Russian)
  • Polyansky, O.P., 1998. Mathematical modelling of the Teletskoe lake faults for the paleostress estimation in the crust extension setting. Geologiya i Geofizika, 39(11), p. 113-123 (in Russian).
  • Polyansky O.P., Reverdatto V.V., Anan'ev V.A. 1998. Spatial and temporal variations of subsidence and sedimentation in Kuznetsk sedimentary basin. Reports of RAS, v. 358, N 5, p. 645-648 (in Russian)
Тезисы (Abstracts):
  • Polyansky O.P. Structural modelling of the Teletskoye Lake: paleostress estimations in the setting of crustal extension, Abstracts of Int. Workshop INTAS joint Russian-Belgium Res. Proj. "Continental Rift Tectonics and Evolution of Sedimentary Basins", Novosibirsk, 1996, p. 63-66
  • Reverdatto V.V., Robinson D., Polyansky O.P., Anan'ev B.A. Forvard and reverse modelling of sedimentary basins applied to the estimation of extension parameter and effective thermal thickness (EET) of the lithosphere, Abstracts of Int. Workshop INTAS joint Russian-Belgium Res. Proj. "Continental Rift Tectonics and Evolution of Sedimentary Basins", Novosibirsk, 1996, p. 16-19
  • Reverdatto V.V., Robinson D., Poylansky O.P., Anan'ev B.A., Sheplev V.S. The Prediction of Lithosphere Extension Parameters Through the Evolution Modelling of Sedimentary Basins, //Abstr. of EUG 9, Strassbourg,1997
  • Polyansky O.P. The Model of the Teletskoe Lake Fault System and Paleostress Estimation in the Setting of Crustal Extension, // Abstr. of EUG 9, Strassbourg, 1997
  • Reverdatto V.V., Polyansky O.P., Anan'ev B.A., Sheplev V.S. Dinamothermal (in orogeny) and burial (extension) metamorphism: alternative models, // Abstr. of EGS XXII General Assembly, Vienna, 1997.
  • Polyansky O. P., Reverdatto V.V. Co-ordination between backstripping (1D) and forward (2D) models of sedimentary basin evolution (The Kuznetsk coal-bearing basin, South Siberia), // Abstr. of the 8th Workshop of the ILP Task Force "Origin of sedimentary basins", Palermo, 1997.
  • Polyansky O. P.An alternative model of giant crustal fracture on an example from the Teletskoe Lake (Altai, Russia), // Abstr. Of 5th Int. Conference "Computer Aided Design of Advanced Materials and Technologies", Tomsk, 1997, p. 52-53.
  • Polyansky, O.P., 1998. Quasi-3D thin plate model of lithospheric deformation in the BRZ. Proceedings of the International Conference of INTAS Project 134: Active Tectonic Continental Basins, Gent, April 30-May 2, p. 94-95.
  • Polyansky, O.P., Poort J. 1998. Computer simulation of heat and fluid transfer in the Baikal rift sedimentary basin. Proceedings of the International Conference of INTAS Project 134: Active Tectonic Continental Basins, Gent, April 30-May 2, p. 96.
  • Polyansky, O.P., 1998. Subsidence evolution and inversion of the Kuznetsk basin (South Siberia, Russia). EGS, Annales Geophysicae , Part I, Society Symp., Solid Earth Geophys. & Geodesy, Suppl. I, v. 16, p. C64.

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