Терминологический словарь по структурной геологии и тектонике
- <a> axis maximum
- <a> axis pattern
- Aa flows
- Abscherung, see Decollement
- Absolute plate motion
- Absolute reference frame
- Abyssal plains
- Acadian orogeny
- Accelerated creep
- Acceleration, scale factor for
- Accommodation zones
- Accreted terranes
- Accretion tectonics
- Accretionary orogen
- Accretionary prisms
- Accretionary prisms, melanges
- Accretionary prisms, processes models
- Accretionary prisms, tectonic complex
- Accretionary wedge/prism
- Acicular
- Acicular mineral grains
- Active continental margins
- Active faults
- Active folding
- Active foliation see foliation
- Active orogens
- Active rifts
- Active strain markers
- Active tectonics
- Adiabatic temperature gradient
- Advection
- Aftershocks
- Alleghanian orogeny
- Allochthone
- Allochthonous
- Allotriomorphic
- Amino acid racemization dating method
- Amoeboid
- Amonton's law
- Amphibole
- Amplitude
- Amplitude (in folds)
- Amygdules
- Amygdules, deformation of
- Analogue modelling
- Analysis of strain, in three dimensions
- Analysis of strain, of deformed fossils
- Analysis of strain, of heterogeneous strain systems
- Analysis of strain, of progressive strain sequences
- Anastamosing array
- Anastamosing cleavage
- Anastomosing
- Anastomosing foliations
- Anatexis
- Andean Orogeny
- Andean-slyle margins. See Continental arcs; Convergent margins
- Andersen`s', theory of faulting
- Angle
- Angle, of fold
- Angle, of internal friction
- Angle, specification of
- Angles, change of (due to strain)
- Angular
- Angular momentum, conservation of
- Angular shear
- Angular shear strain
- Angular shear strain, sign convention of
- Angular strain
- Angular unconformity
- Angular velocity
- Angular velocity, Euler poles
- Angular velocity, of plate boundaries
- Angular velocity, of plates
- Anhedral
- Animal tracks
- Anisotropic
- Anisotropic material
- Anisotropic material, fracture criterion for anisotropic minerals
- Anisotropic stress
- Anisotropy
- Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS)
- Anisotropy, fracturing and
- Annealing
- Anorthosite
- Anti perthite
- Anticlastic bending
- Anticline
- Anticline, rollover
- Anticlinorium
- Anticlise
- Antiform
- Antitaxial
- Antitaxial fiber growth
- Antitaxial fringe
- Antitaxial growth
- Antitaxial veins
- Antithetic
- Antithetic faults
- Antithetic faults, cross section of
- Antithetic fractures
- Antithetic movement
- Apex
- Aquathermal pressure
- Arch
- Arch arc collisions
- Arch basement (or frontal arc)
- Arch continent collisions
- Arch length
- Arch length (in folds)
- Arch trench gap
- Archean tectonics, vs Proterozoic tectonics
- Archean terranes
- Archean time
- Arches National Park (Utah)
- Arc-trench gap
- Area
- Area change
- Area dilatation see Dilatation
- Area of observation (in strain analysis)
- Area, scale factor for
- Area-balanced cross sections
- Arequlpa massif
- Arrays
- Arrest lines
- Artifacts dating method
- Aseismic
- Aseismic faults
- Aseismic ridges, oceanic
- Aseismic topographic ridge
- Ashby diagrams
- Aspect ratio, of fold
- Asperites
- Asthenosphere
- Asthenosphere, heat plumes
- Asthenosphere, thickness of
- Asthenosphere, transform faults
- Astrobleme, see Meteorite impact crater
- Asymmetric
- Asymmetric crenulation cleavage
- Asymmetric refraction
- Asymmetrical folds
- Asymmetry, external
- Asymmetry, internal
- Ataxial growth
- Ataxial vein
- Attitude
- Attitude, of folds
- Augen
- Augen gneiss
- Augen schists
- Aulacogens
- Autobreccialion
- Autochthon
- Automorphic
- AVA diagram
- Average strain see Bulk strain
- Axes
- Axes, of Fold(s)
- Axes, of Fold(s), of ooids, fluctuation in
- Axes, of Fold(s), of simple shear
- Axes, of Fold(s), of symmetry
- Axes, principal,
- Axes, principal, of strain
- Axes, principal, of stress
- Axial compression
- Axial
- Axial compression, Coulorib fracture criterion for
- Axial culmination
- Axial curve
- Axial direction
- Axial extension
- Axial line
- Axial planar foliation see foliation
- Axial plane
- Axial plane cleavage
- Axial plane surface (in fofds)
- Axial plane, of fold layer
- Axial plunge
- Axial stress
- Axial stretching
- Axial surface
- Axial surface trace, of fold layer
- Axial surface, of fold layer
- Axial trace
- Axial valley
- Axial valley, transform faults
- Axially symmetric
- Axially symmetric elongation
- Axially symmetric extension
- Axially symmetric shortening
- Axis of rotation (= Euler pole)
- Axis (of folding)
- Azimuth
- Azores fracture zone
- Azores triple junction