The Conference
is planned as a direct continuation of the 7th International
Zonenshain Conference on plate tectonics that will be held in
Moscow on October 30 and 31, 2001. This will enable the scientists
wishing to participate in both events to take a night train
from Moscow with subsequent departure to their destinations
from St. Petersburg.
You are
kindly invited to send your application forms by fax, mail or
e-mail by 20 April 2001. Abstracts should be submitted by 10
June 2001. Please, forward your questions and comments to the
Organizing Committee Secretariat at:
VNIIOkeangeologia, 1, Anglyisky Ave., St. Petersburg 190121
tel.: (812)-318-5064 (Mikhail Torokhov), (812)-113-8379
(Elena Miloradovskaya),
fax (812)-114-1470,
The participants
will be expected to pay a modest registration fee needed to
partly cover the expenses for publication of the Abstracts volume
(in Russian and English), synchronous translation of oral presentations,
coffee-breaks and reception, and processing of formal visa invitations
for foreign scientists. The amount to be paid will depend on
the number of received applications and availability of sponsors,
but we hope to keep it at a reasonable level. Final information
concerning the registration fee and means of its submission
will be included in the following circulars. The participants
of the both conferences (in Moscow and St. Petersburg) will
be charged a single registration fee.
are kindly invited to attend our Conference and the accompanying
events. We shall appreciate the earliest possible
notification of your intentions (Application Form is attached),
and we would also be grateful for your comments and suggestions
regarding the proposed Program. This will enable us to take
account of your opinion during the preparation of the second
Circular and to timely determine the organization parameters
of the sessions (specific meetings agendas, timing, venues,
names of conveners, etc.)