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Кто есть кто в минералогии

Авторы публикаций, образцов, фотографий

Bargen \\ David von Bargen \\ David has been contributing to the mindat database since 2003. He has uploaded 500,000 locality minerals/rocks of which 400,000 are the latest versions. In the early years in particular he contributed towards the programming for the website and databases, especially with administration and statistical tools - many of which are still in use today. Currently he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Hudson Institute of Mineralogy (mindat's parent organization), and has been a member of the management team of mindat.org for many years. He is a professionally trained mineralogist. \\ Источник: https://www.mindat.org/ \\ 2022.11.26


Барлоу Джон Ф.\ Barlow John F. (1914.07.12 - 2004.06.05), один из крупнейших американских коллекционеров минералов XX в.

Bartsch J.A. \\ Joel A. Bartsch is curator of gems and minerals at the Houston Museum of Natural Science.

Из публикаций

Back, Malcolm E., Mandarino, Joseph A. (1999) Minerals for Which Mexico is The Type Locality. Rocks & Minerals, 74 (1) 12-14 doi:10.1080/00357529909602508 \ минералы, для которых Мексика - первоначальное местонахожденик  \ Co-Type Localities

Balestra, C., Castellaro, F., Kampf, A.R., Camarda, S., Muzio, C., and Sanguineti, G. (2017) I minerali della miniera di Cerchiara (La Spezia). Rivista Mineralogica Italiana, 1, 8-43.

Balestra, C., Castellaro, F., Kampf, A.R., Vajda, E., and Esposito, M. (2020) La miniera di Cerchiara, Borghetto di Vara, Levante Ligure: recenti identificazioni e stato dell’arte. Micro, 18, 2-29 (in Italian).

Balic-Zunic, T., Garavelli, A., Mitolo, D., Acquafredda, P. & Leonardsen, E. (2012): Jakobssonite, CaAlF5, a new mineral from fumaroles at the Eldfell and Hekla volcanoes, Iceland. Mineralogical Magazine, 76, 751-760.

Balassone, G.; Petti, C.; Mondillo, N.; Panikorovskii, T.L.; de Gennaro, R.; Cappelletti, P.; Altomare, A.; Corriero, N.; Cangiano, M.; D’Orazio, L. (2019) Copper Minerals at Vesuvius Volcano (Southern Italy): A Mineralogical Review. Minerals 9, 730. \ Минералы меди. Везувий \

Bandy, M.C. (1938) Mineralogy of three sulphate deposits of northern Chile. American Mineralogist: 23(11): 669-760 (722).

Bancroft P. Gem & Crystal Treasures. - Fallbrook, 1984. - 488 p.

- a-Bancroft-page-1270.htm

Bancroft,P, Zhengzhi,H and Furui,W (1987) The Peking geological museum, China. Mineral.Record 18, 325-332

Bannister F A, Hey M H (1942) Kalsilite, a polymorph of KAlSiO4, from Uganda, Mineralogical Magazine 26, 218-225

Barbier, J., Grew, E.S., Moore, P.B., and Su, S.-C. (1999) Khmaralite, a new beryllium-bearing mineral related to sapphirine: A superstructure resulting from partial ordering of Be, Al and Si on tetrahedral sites. American Mineralogist, 84(10), 1650-1660. \\ Khmaralite (TL) \ Хмаралит

Barbosa, C.P., Falster, A.U. Simmons, W.B., Webber, K.L., Nizamoff, J., and Gaines, R.V. (2000) Minerals of the Brumado Magnesite Deposits, Serra das Eguas, Bahia, Brazil Rocks and Minerals75 (3):32-39

Bariand P. Contribution a la mineralogie de l`Iran. / Bull. Soc. Frans. Miner. et Crist. , 1963, t. 86, № 1, 17-64.

Bariand, P. (1963) The mineralogy of Iran. Bulletin de la Societe francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie 86, 17-64.

Bariand, P., Cesborn, F., Agrinier, H., Geffroy, J., Issakhanian, V. (1965) La getchellite AsSbS3 de Zarehshuran, Afshar, Iran. Bulletin de la Societe francaise de mineralogie et de cristallographie: 91: 403-406.

Bariand, P., Cesbron, F. & Berthelon, J. P. (1977): Iron sulfates of Saghand near Yazd (Iran). Memoire Hors-Serie de la Societe Geologique de France 8, 77-85. \\ 33_15

Bariand, P., Herpin, P. (1963) Une nouvelle espece minerale: l'iranite, chromate hydrate de plomb. Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie: 86: 133-135.\\ иранит* - новый минерал

Bariand, P., Poullen, J.F. (1980) Rare Chromates from Seh-Changi, Iran. Mineralogical Record: 11: 293-297.

Barkov, A.Y., Laajoki, K.V.O., Gornostayev, S.S., Pakhomovskii, Y.A., Men'shikov, Y.P. (1998) Sorosite, Cu(Sn,Sb), a new mineral from the Baimka placer deposit, western Chukotka, Russian Far East. American Mineralogist: 83: 901-906. \\ соросит - новый минерал из м-ния Баимка \\ 33_10

Barkov, A.Y., Laflamme, J.H.G., Cabri, L.J., and Martin, R.F. (2002) Platinum-group minerals from the Wellgreen Cu-Ni-PGE deposit, Yukon, Canada. Canadian Mineralogist: 40: 651-669 \\ 33_22

BARKOV, A.Y. & MARTIN, R.F. (2008) Grains of Pt-Fe alloy and inclusions in Pt-Fe alloy from Florence Creek, Yukon, Canada: Evidence for mobility of Os in a Na-H2O-Cl-rich fluid. Canadian Mineralogist 46, 343-360.

Barkov, A.Y., Martin, R.F., Poirier, G., and Yakovlev, Y.N. (2000b) The taimyrite-tatyanaite series and zoning in intermetallic compounds of Pt, Pd, Cu, and Sn from Noril'sk, Siberia, Russia. Canadian Mineralogist: 38: 599-609. \\ таймырит-татьянаит, серия минералов

Barlow, F. John, et al. The F. John Barlow Mineral Collection. Sanco Pub., 1996

Barnes, R. & M. Hay (1983), Famous mineral localities: The Magma Mine, Mineralogical Record: 14: 72-82.

Bartholomew, P.R., Mancini, P., Harlow, G.E., Deifel, N., Cahill, C., Bernhardt, H.-J. (2012) Greenwoodite, a new nesosilicate from British Columbia with a Ba-VOH coupled substitution and tetrahedral Fe: description and structure. Canadian Mineralogist, 50, 1233-1242. \\ 33_26

Bassett A. M. The tourmallines of Nepal . - Miner. Rec. , 1985, 16, № 5, 413-418. \\ 33_16

Basset, A.M. Nepal gem tourmaline. J. Nepal Geol. Soc. 1987, 4, 31–41. [Google Scholar] \\ 33_16

Behier, J. (1963): Carte mineralogique de Madagascar. Archive Service Geologique Madagascar. A 1871 \\ 33_20

Behier, J. (1960) Travaux mineralogiques. in Besairie, H. (ed): Rapport Annuel du Service Geologique pour 1960. Republique Malgache, 181-199 [p. 194] \\ 33_20

Behre, Charles H., Jr. (1921) Native antimony from Kern County, California. American Journal of Science, 5th. Series: 2: 330-333. \\ 33_26

Belakovskiy, D.I.

- Camara, F., Gagne, O.C., Belakovskiy, D.I., Uvarova, Y. (2015) New mineral names. American Mineralogist: 100: 1319-1332.

Belley, P. M., & Groat, L. A. (2020). Metamorphosed carbonate platforms and controls on the genesis of sapphire, gem spinel, and lapis lazuli: Insight from the Lake Harbour Group, Nunavut, Canada and implications for gem exploration. Ore Geology Reviews, 116, 103259

Belsher, D.O. (1982): Pink octahedral fluorite from Peru. Mineralogical Record 13, 29-30 + 38. \\ Уансала р-к \ Huanzala Mine. \ Перу

Bernard J. H. , Rost R. a kol. Encyklopedicky prehled mineralu. -Praha: Academia, 1992.-702 p.
Bernard J. H. a kol. Mineralogie Ceskoslovenska. - Praha: Academia, 1981. - 648 str.
Bernard J. H. and Hyrsl J. Minerals and Their Localities. - Granit Publishing House, Praha, Czech Republic, 2004. - 807 p. \ подробнее: https://geo.web.ru/druza/a-Bernard_BML-2004.htm

Bernard J. H. and Hyrsl J. Minerals and Their Localities - supplement. - Granit Publishing House, Czech Republic, 2013. - 100 p.

Фото минералов --примеры из книги  Bernard J. H. and Hyrsl J. Minerals and Their Localities. - Granit Publishing House, Praha, Czech Republic, 2004. - 807 p.

Bernard J. H. and Hyrsl J. Minerals and Their Localities. Praha, Czech Republic, 2004. - 807 p.\\ Фото минералов --примеры

Сев. Америка - 2223 - пахнолит--Ивигтут ; эпистолит!-Илимауссак

Сев. Европа 12 –бурангаит - Halsjoberg; 3 –шомиокит

Урал - 7 - волконскоит*; титанит, Cr- сод.; уваровит* ; яшма

Сибирь - 891011

24--власовит!--Кипава; ильменит!!--xl 13 см- Girardville \\ 25 \\ 26 - тенардит!! - Калифорния

Европа - 4-миметезит -Драй Джилл; 5 –барит--Любин; кварц!!--Suttrop, Герм. миллерит!--Кладно; 6

ЮЗ и Центр. Азия; 1415 - мейергофферит- Emet Borate deposit, Турция \\ Индия -–16

Юг Сибири 13 - азурит!--Каменушинское м-е; эльбаит--Малхан; Мурзинское м.

ДВК -12; кальцит; флюорит-Дальнегорск

Китай \\ ЮВ Азия - 17

Южн. Америка - 27 –леграндит!!!--Мексика ; 2829 –энаргит!!--Кирувилка \\ 30 - агардит-(Y) - Брумаду

Африка - 18 –ванадинит.

19 - брошантит--Kabolela Mine; бултфонтейнит \ Bultfonteinite* -Bultfontein Mine, малахит- Машамба-Вест; олмиит--Н`Чванинг-II .-

Вост. Африка - 20 ;

Австралия - 21--йодаргирит--Брокен Хилл \\ Антарктида - 31; Тихий океан - 32;


2025.01.20 \\ Bernard J. H. and Hyrsl J. Minerals and Their Localities. Praha, Czech Republic, 2004. - 807 p.\\ Крупные кристаллы --фото --примеры \ выборка: стр. 25-50

фд - www.mindat.org/

Северная Америка

22 – 23 –эпистолит--Илимауссак, Гренландия  24 – 25 – 26 – 27 -бюргерит!!--Мексика

Зап. Европа

1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – пирит --Рио-Марина, Эльба, Италия


3 –плюмбомикролит--Плоская г., Кольский п-ов  6 – 7 –

ЮЗ Азия. Кавказ+

14 берилл--1) Памир 2) Пакистан ; цезий-куплетскит*--Дара-и-Пиоз, Таджикистан–15 –


8 –9 – 10 –11 –12 --манганаксинит– Дальнегорск 13 -

Южная Америка

28 – 29 – 30 –миларит -Жагуарасу  31


18 –19 --–20

16 –фторапофиллит--Пуна, Индия  17 –

Австралия - 21 – 

32 - 33 -- 34----------ФМ

Bernard J. H. Mineraly Ceske Republiky. Strucny prehled. Academia.Praha, 2000. - 188 p.

Bernard J. H. Mineraly Ceske Republiky. Strucny prehled. Academia.Praha, 2000. - 188 p.
Bernard J. H. a kol. Mineralogie Ceskoslovenska. - Praha: Academia, 1981. - 648 p.
Bernard J. H. , Rost R. a kol. Encyklopedicky prehled mineralu. -Praha: Academia, 1992.-702 p.

Bernard J. H. and Hyrsl J. Minerals and Their Localities. - Granit Publishing House, Praha, Czech Republic, 2004. - 807 p.; 1035 photo

подробнее: http://www.excaliburmineral.com/current.htm \\ http://www.minrec.org/bookdetail.asp?id=35

Berni, G.V. (2014) The Serra Pelada Au–Pd–Pt deposit (Carajas, Amazon craton, Brazil): geology, mineralogy and hydrothermal geochemistry of ore formation. Unpublished DSc dissertation, ETH Zurich, 111 pp.

Berni, G.V., Heinrich, C.A., Lobato, L.M., Wall, V.J., Rosiere, C.A., and Freitas, M.A. (2014) The Serra Pelada Au-Pd-Pt Deposit, Carajas, Brazil: Geochemistry, Mineralogy, and Zoning of Hydrothermal Alteration. Economic Geology, 109(7), 1883-1899.

Berni, G.V., Heinrich, C.A., Lobato, L.M., and Wall, V.J. (2016) Ore mineralogy of the Serra Pelada Au-Pd-Pt deposit, Carajas, Brazil and implications for ore-forming processes. Mineralium Deposita, 51(6), 781-795

Bettencourt Dias, M. and Wilson, W.E.(2000): Famous mineral localities: The Alto Ligonha pegmatites (Mozambique). - Mineralogical Record. 31, 459-497

Betz, V. (1981) Famous mineral localities: Zeolites from Iceland and the Faeroes. Mineralogical Record, 12(1), 5-26.

Bezing L. von, Bode R. & Jahn S. Namibia. Mineralien und Fundstellen. Edition Schloss Freudenstein, Bode Verlag, Haltern, 2007. - 856 pp. (in German)

Bezing L. von, Bode R. & Jahn S. Namibia. Minerals and Localities. Edition Schloss Freudenstein, Bode Verlag, Haltern, 2007. - 407 pp. (in English)

Bezing L. von, Bode R. & Jahn S. Namibia. Minerals and Localities. I. Bode Verlag, Haltern, 2014. - 608 pp. (in English)

Biagioni, C. (2009) Minerali della Provincia di Lucca. Associazione Micro-Mineralogica Italiana, Cremona, 352 pages.

Biagioni, C., Bonaccorsi, E., Merlino, S., Parodi, G.C., Perchiazzi, N., Chevrier, V. & Bersani, D. (2010). Roumaite, (Ca,Na,)3(Ca,REE,Na)4(Nb,Ti)[Si2O7]2(OH)F3, from Rouma Island, Los Archipelago, Guinea: a new mineral species related to dovyrenite. Canadian Mineralogist, 48, 17-28.

Biagioni, C., Bonaccorsi, E., Perchiazzi, N., Halenius, U., Zaccarini, F. (2020): Derbylite and graeserite from the Monte Arsiccio mine (Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy): occurrence and crystal-chemistry. Mineralogical Magazine: 84 (in press); http://forum.amiminerals.it/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=16490&sid=896ab93854cfe605adcb73a79ca23ad4

Biagioni, C., George, L.L., Cook, N.J., Makovicky, E., Moelo, Y., Pasero, M., Sejkora, J., Stanley, C.J., Welch, M.D., Bosi, F. (2020): The tetrahedrite group: nomenclature and classification. American Mineralogist 105, 109-122.\ группа тетраэдрита - номенклатура и классификация

Biagioni, C., Orlandi, P., Camarda, S., Chinellato, M., Appiani, R., Del Chiaro, L., Sanguineti, G. (2019) Minerals from marbles of Carrara and the Apuan Alps. LoGisma editore, Vicchio (Firenze) - Musumeci S.p.A., Quart (Aosta), 144 pages.

Biagioni, C., et al. (2020) The tetrahedrite group: Nomenclature and classification. American Mineralogist, 105(1), 109-122.

Biagioni, C., Bonaccorsi, E., Pasero, M., Moelo, Y., Ciriotti , M.E. , Bersani, D., Callegari, A.M., Boiocchi, M. (2011): Ambrinoite, (K,NH4)2(As,Sb)8S13•H2O, a new mineral from Upper Susa Valley , Piedmont , Italy : the first natural (K,NH4)-hydrated sulfosalt. - American Mineralogist, 96, 878-887. \\ амбриноит*

Biagioni, C., Moelo, Y., Orlandi, P., Paar, W.H. (2018) Lead-antimony sulfosalts from Tuscany (Italy). XXIII. Andreadiniite, CuAg7HgPb7Sb24S48, a new oversubstituted (Cu,Hg)-rich member of the andorite homeotypic series from the Monte Arsiccio mine, Apuan Alps. European Journal of Mineralogy: 30: 1021-1035.

Bideaux, R.A. (1980) Famous Mineral Localities: Tiger, Arizona. Mineralogical Record, 11, 155-181.

Bideaux R.A. \\ Anthony J.W., Bideaux R.A., Bladh K.W., and Nichols M.C.Handbook of Mineralogy, Elements, Sulfides, Sulfosalts. v. 1. (Mineral Data Publishing, 1990)
Bideaux R.A. \\ Anthony J.W., Bideaux R.A., Bladh K.W., and Nichols M.C.Handbook of Mineralogy, Silica and Silicates. v. 2. (Mineral Data Publishing, 1995)
Bideaux R.A. \\ Anthony J.W., Bideaux R.A., Bladh K.W., and Nichols M.C.Handbook of Mineralogy, Halides, Hydroxides, Oxides. v. 3. (Mineral Data Publishing, 1997)
Bideaux R.A. \\ Anthony J.W., Bideaux R.A., Bladh K.W., and Nichols M.C. Handbook of Mineralogy, Arsenates, Phosphates, and Vanadates. v. 4. (Mineral Data Publishing, 2000)
Bideaux R.A. \\ Anthony J.W., Bideaux R.A., Bladh K.W., and Nichols M.C. Handbook of Mineralogy, Borates, Carbonates, Sulfates. v. 5. (Mineral Data Publishing, 2003)
Bideaux R.A. \\ Anthony J.W., Williams S.A., Bideaux R.A., Grant R.W. Mineralogy of Arizona. Tucson, 3rd edition, 1995, 508 p.

Bignardi, Paolo - Grande atlante dei minerali .1974, 192 p.

Billows, E. (1941) I minerali della Sardegna e i loro giacimenti. Tipografia V. Musanti, Cagliari, 167 pp. \ минералы \ Сардиния

Bindi, L., Brenker, F.E., Nestola, F., Koch, T.E., Prior, D.J., Lilly, K., Krot, A.N., Bizzarro, M., Xie, X. (2019) Discovery of asimowite, the Fe-analog of wadsleyite, in shock-melted silicate droplets of the Suizhou L6 and the Quebrada Chimborazo 001 CB3.0 chondrites. American Mineralogist: 104(5): 775-778. \\ азимовит - новый минерал

Bindi, L., Cipriani, C. (2004) Mazzettiite, Ag3HgPbSbTe5, a new mineral species from Findley Gulch, Saguache County, Colorado, USA. The Canadian Mineralogist, 42 (6) 1739-1743

Bindi, L., Cipriani, C. (2004) Museumite, Pb5AuSbTe2S12, a new mineral from the gold telluride deposit of Sacarimb, Metaliferi Mountains, western Romania. European Journal of Mineralogy: 16: 835-838. \\ Сэкэрымб м-ние , Румыния \\ 33_5

Bindi, L., Cipriani, C. (2003) Plumbian baksanite from the Tyrnyauz W–Mo deposit, Baksan River valley, northern Caucasus, Russian Federation. The Canadian Mineralogist: 41: 1475-1479. \\ 33_6\ 33_15

Bindi, L., Evain, M., Menchetti, S. (2007): Selenopolybasite, [(Ag,Cu)6(Sb,As)2(S,Se)7][Ag9Cu(S,Se)2Se2], a new member of the pearceite–polybasite group from the De Lamar mine, Owyhee County, Idaho, USA. Canadian Mineralogist, 45, 1525-1528 \\ Селенополибазит* \\ 33_25

Bindi, L.; Jaszczak, J.A. (2020) Richardsite, Zn2CuGaS4, A New Gallium-Essential Member of the Stannite Group from the Gem Mines near Merelani, Tanzania. Minerals 10, 467. \\ ричардсит* \\ 33_20

Bindi, L., Moelo, Y. (2020) Biagioniite, Tl2SbS2, from the Hemlo gold deposit, Marathon, Ontario, Canada: occurrence and crystal structure. Mineralogical Magazine: 1-22. \\ бьяджиониит* \\ 33_24

Bindi, L. & Pratesi, G. (2005): Selenojalpaite, Ag3CuSe2, a new mineral species from the Skrikerum Cu–Ag–Tl selenide deposit, Smaland, southeastern Sweden, Canadian Mineralogist 43, 1373-1377. \\ 33_02

Bindi, L., Spry, P.G., Pratesi, G. (2006) Lenaite from the Gies gold–silver telluride deposit, Judith Mountains, Montana, U.S.A.: occurrence, composition, and crystal structure. The Canadian Mineralogist: 44: 207-212. \\ ленаит \ Монтана \\ 33_25

Bindi, L., Steinhardt, P. J. (2014) The quest for forbidden crystals. Mineralogical Magazine: 78(2): 467-482.
Bindi, L., Steinhardt, P.J., Yao, N., Lu, P.J. (2011) Icosahedrite, Al63Cu24Fe13, the first natural quasicrystal. American Mineralogist: 96: 928-931.
Bindi, L., Yao, N., Lin, C., Hollister, L.S., Andronicos, C.L., Distler, V.V., Eddy, M.V., Kostin, A., Kryachko, V., MacPherson, G.J., Steinhardt, W.M., Yudovskay, M., Steinhardt, P.J. (2015) Natural quasicrystal with decagonal symmetry. Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 9111 [doi:10.1038/srep09111].
Bindi, L., Yao, N., Lin, C., Hollister, L.S., Andronicos, C.L., Distler, V.V., Eddy, M.V., Kostin, A., Kryachko, V., MacPherson, G.J., Steinhardt, W.M., Yudovskay, M., Steinhardt, P.J. (2015) Decagonite, Al71Ni24Fe5, a quasicrystal with decagonal symmetry from the Khatyrka CV3 carbonaceous chondrite. American Mineralogist: 100(10): 2340-2343.
Bindi, L., Yao, N., Lin, C., Hollister, L.S., Poirier, G.R., Andronicos, C.L., MacPherson, G.J., Distler, V.V., Eddy, M.P., Kostin, A., Kryachko, V., Steinhardt, W.M., Yudovskaya, M. (2014) Steinhardtite, a new body-centered-cubic allotropic form of aluminum from the Khatyrka CV3 carbonaceous chondrite. American Mineralogist: 99: 2433–2436. \\ 33_10

Birch, W.D. (1985) A note on large crystals of priderite, jeppeite, wadeite and other minerals from Walgidee [Wolgidee] Hills, Western Australia. Australian Mineralogist: 50: 298-302. \\ крупные кристаллы: прайдерит; джеппеит; вадеит \ Уолджиди-Хилл \ Walgidee Hills, \\ 33_21

Birch, W. D. - Ed. (1989) Zeolites of Victoria. Special Publication. Mineralogical Society of Victoria \\ цеолиты \ Виктория

Birch, W.D., Burke, E.A.J., Wall, V.J., Etheridge, M.A. (1988) Ecandrewsite, the zinc analogue of ilmenite, from Little Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia, and the San Valentin Mine, Sierra de Cartegena, Spain. Mineralogical Magazine: 52(2): 237-240. \\ 33_4 \\ 33_21

Birch, W. D., Henry, D. A. - Eds. (1993) Phosphate Minerals of Victoria. Special Publication 3. Mineralogical Society of Victoria - https://www.mindat.org/reference.php?id=16676877 \\ Фосфаты \ минералы \ Виктория, Австралия

Birch, W. D., Pring, A., Reller, A. and Schmalle, H. W. (1993) Bernalite, Fe(OH)3, a new mineral from Broken Hill, New South Wales: Description and structure. American Mineralogist: 78: 827-834.

Birch, W.D., van der Heyden, A. (1997) Minerals of the Kintore and Block 14 open cuts at Broken Hill, New South Wales. Australian Journal of Mineralogy: 3(1): 23-71. \\ 33_21

Birkenmajer K., Wieser T., Zabinski W. 1989: Zeolite associations from Tertiary basaltoids of King George Island, West Antarctica. Mineralogia Polonica, vol. 20, No 1, 3-34. \\ 33_31

--Birkenmajer K...., 1989. Ассоциация цеолитов из третичных базальтоидов острова Кинг-Джордж, Запад. Антарктика. РЖ "Геология"-6И55-1990 г. \\ 33_31

Black, P. M. (1969): Rankinite and kilchoanite from Tokatoka, New Zealand. Mineralogical Magazine 37, 517-519. \\ 33_21

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Boggs, R.C. (1988) Calciohilairite: CaZrSi3O9.3H2O, the calcium analogue of hilairite from the Golden Horn batholith, northern Cascades, Washington. American Mineralogist, V 73, pp. 1191-1194.\\ 33_26

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СТРАНЫ от А до Я

находки минералов по листам карты мира: 1234567 891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132 - 33

НЕ ТОЛЬКО МИНЕРАЛЫ: А - Б - В - Г - Д - Е - Ж - З - И - К - Л - М - Н - О - П - Р - С - Т - У - Ф - Х - Ц - Ч - ШЩ - Э - Ю - Я


местонахождения минералов \ mineral localities : А Б В ГДЕ Ж З И Й К Л М Н О ПР С Т У Ф Х Ц ЧШ Щ Э Ю Я || A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z

Сев. Америка (С)


Атлантика - Скандинавия - Кольский п-в

Ср. Сибирь
СВ России

Сев. Америка (З - Сев. Америка (Кордильеры)

Сев. Америка (В)

Британ. о-ва, Пиренейский п-в - Зап. Европа - Вост. Европа

Казахстан, Ср. Азия

Юг Сибири
Забайкалье, Вост . Сибирь
Камчатка - Дальний Восток (Россия, Япония
Кавказ, ЮЗ Азия
Афганистан, Пакистан
Монголия. Китай
ЮВ Азия - Тихий океан
Ю. Америка (СЗ) - Кордильеры

Африка - Сев. и Зап.Экв. и ЮжнВост.


Тихий океан - Весь мир

Заметки - А - Б - В - Г - Д - Е - Ж - З - И - Й - К - Л - М- Н -О - П - Р - С - Т - У -Ф - Х - Ц - Ч - Ш Щ - Э - Ю - Я - za - zaa

Россия - Russia 

Заметки на geo.web.ru/druza

От А до Я

4a - 44a - 8a - 88a

№104 №112
2014 №114
№126 №131
№163 №166
2020 №193
2023 №231

Кристаллы пяти континентов - картотека-ЕК


- - - - -

Находки минералов по регионам \ листам карты мира: 1234567 891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132 - 33 \\ Заметки - А - Б - В - Г - Д - Е - Ж - З - И - Й - К - Л - М- Н -О - П - Р - С - Т - У -Ф - Х - Ц - Ч - Ш Щ - Э - Ю - Я - za - zaa - картотека-ЕК - ФМ

обновление: 2024. 12. 02

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